Big Fish 2012
Lloyds Cottages
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The List 2024
Big Fish 2024
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To View the "Big Fish" Pictures from 2011, click on the red button above.
Tyler is this year's winner with a 
4 lb 3 oz Bass.  He was pretty happy.
This is one of Mike's two List fish this year.  He logged in with a 4 pound and a 3 lb 8 oz Bass.
It's been a long time since John made our list even though he fishes every year on Opening weekend.  This is his 
3 lb Largemouth.
Jim and Suzanne share the spotlight this year.  A 3 lb 11 oz Bass did the trick.
The family that fishes together make the list together . . . or something like that.  Jeremy's was the biggest in the family contest this year at 3 lb 12 oz.  But the REAL WINNER was little Cody, 4 years old, who cannot even hold the 3 lb 12 oz Smallmouth caught on his little "Mickey Mouse" rod.  
Then Grandma and Grandpa, Pat and Rita checked in with 3 lb 5 oz and 3 lb 3 oz Smallmouth Bass.
Jen had a 3 lb 5 oz Largemouth while sister-in-law Chasity caught a 3 lb 2 oz Smallmouth.  She catches them but has her husband, Jeremy, hold it for the picture.  
Chasity's son, Jacob joins the group with a 3 lb 11 oz Largemouth.
Speaking of families, the only members of our family who made the list this year were grandson Michael with a 
3 lb Smallmouth and David who made it twice with 3 lb 5 oz and 3 lb.
Gordie works hard to catch the big one on his several trips to Lloyd's Cottages each year.  He finally snagged a 3 lb 1 oz Largemouth to make "the List" this year.
Brothers, Eric and Tom, both made "The List" this year.  Eric had a 3 lb 10 oz Largemouth and a 3 lb 5 oz Smallmouth while Tom brought in a 3 lb 11 oz Smallmouth.  Good going guys.
Jeff with one of his Largemouth Bass.  He brought in a 4 lb and a 3 lb 7 oz.  
Matt with his 3 lb 9 oz Largemouth
A newcomer to the lake, Chad, caught this 3 lb 4 oz Largemouth when visiting in late September.
Kerry tied for second place this year with this 4 lb Largemouth.  Way to go, Kerry.
Pike fishing is good here too.  These ladies come up every June and try their luck at the Pike. Ruth with the fish while Sandy and ??? with her back to the camera  look on.
David wins the prize for the cutest, smallest Largemouth Bass ever caught.  Obviously, he put it right back into the lake and hopefully it will grow up to be the biggest fish ever caught from these lakes.
Tom caught a 3 lb 1 oz Largemouth this year when here in September