* From the USA and I 81, cross the 1000 Islands
Bridge and go through customs
* Head west on Rt. 401 toward Kingston
* Take second Gananoque exit, #645, onto Rt. 32
* Turn right toward Smiths Falls and Crosby
* At the End of Rt. 32, turn right onto Rt. 15
* Go through Morton, bypass Elgin
* Turn left onto Chaffey's Lock Road
* Turn right on Garrett Road
* At stop sign, turn left onto Clear Lake Road and
follow our signs -- 454 Clear Lake Road
* Go 1.8 miles to right turn into our driveway
* Total distance from the 1000 Islands Bridge to
Lloyd's Cottages is about 40 miles
* Total distance from Ottawa is about 60 miles--Travel Route 15 South from Smiths Falls, turn right on Chaffey's Lock Road, then follow directions
as listed above. 

If you are trying to program your GPS to find us and you cannot find Elgin, Ontario, try Rideau Lakes, Ontario. That is the name of our township and sometimes this works better than looking for Elgin.