Guests having fun and enjoying camaraderie

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It's all about family, friends, and togetherness.  Nothing like a week at the lake to relax and enjoy. 
Lloyds Cottages
Much to Offer
Area Attractions
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Summer 2024
Kids Fun 2024
The List 2024
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History and Longevity

This summer was special in many ways.  Chris was able to spend the whole summer with us.  Greg spent many, many weeks and weekends with us.  Their spouses Terri and David were able to get away from their jobs and spend lots of time with us as well.  The grandkids came and went as their jobs and times off allowed.  All in all it was a special summer for Ed and Dell.

Much work and activities were accomplished.  Why Not shower was torn out by Greg and a new larger one installed.  A new railing over the culvert was built by David and Chris.  Tons of tree trimming was accomplished by the people mentioned above as well as Mike, Jenny, Ben, Elgin, Pam,  Peter, Keith, Dave, Rita, Pat, and many others. The whole road had new gravel delivered.  
First get the boats clean and ready for the water.  Then make sure the golf carts are working okay.  We already checked out the lawn mowers and got all the grass cut.  
So many trees and branches down.  All hands on deck for days of cleanup.  We can always count on certain families and friends to jump in to help.  What did we ever do before chain saws, chippers and Kubotas?
Even the fire department and then Hydro had to be called in...again.  A tree fell on power lines and started a small fire.  Fire department won't touch it until Hydro turns off the power.  We finally convinced Hydro forestry to come in and cut down 2-3 more trees that were doomed to fall on the lines again.  Hopefully we are safe now.
Finally time to relax a little.  Here some of our grandkids spend time at a campfire
Dell gets time to visit with her good friends.  Similar pictures of the three of us date back over 40 years.  Great times! 
This is what everyone does during "everyone week."  It is so much fun to see wonderful friends get together for a week at the lake every year.  
We even got out for a boat ride.  
How many of you does it take to blow that thing up?  Lots of laughs here.
More work getting done.  Chris and David rebuilt the railing over the culvert with the help of Peter and Keith
Peter and Keith help cut up some trees.
We had to hire the "big guns" to trim trees that were threatening the wires and cottage at Why Not.  
We finally found time to visit with some of our wonderful guests. Many love to come to the beach to visit in the afternoon.  We look forward to those times with our friends.  
Changing of the guard--or fish fry experts.  Greg and Michael did the honors this year at our annual fishfry on Opening Day of Bass.  Tyler and Zach make sure they are doing it right.
Hungry prople await the first filets to be served.
Another meal being prepared.  This time Peter, Pam, and Ben volunteered to doing the cooking.
Gathering around the dining room table for another evening of fun.  
Yet another meal with great friends.  
Our resident owl.  He lives in the woods near the cottages.  One of our guests took this amazing picture.  
Lynn brings her own transportation.  She and Mike are the first to use the newly repaired bridge.  
Terri and Mary-Jo relax with some kayaks.